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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / About Institute / Publications
Lobovikov V.O. Doğal Hukuka Cebir: – Doğal Hukuk Tarzinda Hukuksal Muhakemenin Matematiksel Simulasyonu – Bilgisayar Takviyeli Yasa Hazirlama ve Hukuk Eğitimine Dair Bir Başlangiç // HFSA. HUKUK FELSEFESÍVE SOSYOLOJÍSÍ ARKÍVÍ. 18.– КÍТАР, 2008.– P. 69-77.
Lobovikov V.O. Aristotelian and juridical modalities: a new theory of their unity (A two-valued algebra of formal natural-law philosophy of modalities as moral-legal evaluation-functions determined by two variables – a complement to G.H. Wright’s deontic logic interpretation of G.W. Leibniz’s idea about the unity of the two kinds of modalities // Brazilian Legal Theory Review – RFDCL (Revista da Faculdade de Direito de Conselheiro Lafaiete, ISSN 1679-8139).– Nova fase – Conselheiro Lafaiete, 2007.– V.3.– P. 181-187.
Lobovikov V.O. Mathematical Jurisprudence and Mathematical Ethics (A mathematical simulation of the evaluative and the normative attitudes to the rigoristic sub-systems of the Positive Law and of the Natural-Law-and-Morals). –.– Ekaterinburg: The Urals State University Press; The Urals State Law Academy Press; The Liberal Arts University Press, 1999.– 124 p.