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  1. Rusakova O.F. Rusakov V.M. Moiseenko Ya.Yu.
    On the way to the Kingdom of Reason: Irrational Rationality of the Early Soviet Period // Global Journal of Cultural Studies.– 2024.– Vol. 3.– P. 57-64. DOI: 10.6000/2817-2310.2024.03.07.
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  2. Golovashina O.V.
    Trial of Memory: Legal Regulation as a Tool of Memory Politics in Contemporary Russia // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2024.– V. 8. No. 2.– P. 399-417. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2024.8.2.280.
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  3. Belousov A.B.
    The Amalgamated Mass of Hate: Harold Lasswell's Concept of Propaganda // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 149-166.
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  4. Golovashina O.V.
    Pedagogical Ideals and School Practices: Émile Durkheim’s Insights for Citizen Education in Contemporary Russia // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 167-181.
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  5. Kazancev M.F.
    Sergei S. Alekseev: From Civil Law to Legal Theory and the Revival of Civil Law Scholarship // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 18-30.
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  6. Lobovikov V.O.
    The Natural State – A Filter on the Bivalent Boolean Algebra of Natural Law (On the Unsatisfactory State of Affairs in the “Theory” of Natural Law over the Last Few Centuries on This Planet) // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 135-148.
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  7. Martyanov V.S.
    Unmasking the King: The Falsification of the Western Mainstream // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 31-45.
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  8. Roy O.M.
    Territorial Identity of Russian Society: from Local Fragmentation to Civil Harmony // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 182-195.
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  9. Rudenko V.N.
    Sergei S. Alekseev: from Philosophy of Law to the Human Constitution // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 9-17.
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  10. Beavitt T.A.
    The Righteous Blood of the Bards: Translations and Performances of M.Y. Lermontov and Thomas ‘the Rhymer’ Learmonth // Quest for Connections in Language, Culture, Literature / E. Chaika & Y. Maslov (Eds.).– Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.– P. 89-105.

  11. Lobovikov V.O.
    Hilbert’s Conception of “Existence-in-Mathematics” and Modelling it by a Formal Axiomatic Theory Ф+Ǝ Treating Existence not as the Quanifier but as a Modality // Respublica Literaria.– 2024.– Vol. 5. no. 1.– P. 16-50. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2024.5.1.16-50.
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  12. Martyanov V.S.
    Federalism is full of good intentions // Social Sciences.– 2024.– Vol. 55. No. 3.– P. 54-70. DOI: 10.21557/ssc.99327911.
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  13. Shustrova E.V. Koptyaeva N.N.
    Exploring criminal metaphor in mass media discourse: semantics, semiotics and polycode competence // Synergy of languages & cultures 2023: interdisciplinary studies. Collection of articles.– Saint-Petersburg: St Petersburg university, 2024.– P. 262-277. DOI: 10.21638/2782-1943.2023.23.
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  14. Lobovikov V.O.
    Nonbeing of Interaction among Monads as a Formal-Axiological Law of a Two-Valued Algebraic System of Metaphysics as Formal Axiology (Demonstrating the Law by Computing Relevant Compositions of Evaluation-Functions in that Algebraic System). // "Le present est plein de l’avenir, et chargé du passé": Vorträge des XI. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, 31. Juli – 4. August 2023, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland. Band 2 / Wenchao Li, Charlotte Wahl, Sven Erdner, Bianca Carina Schwarze und Yue Dan (Hrsg.).– Hannover: Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft e.V., 2023.– P. 350-363. DOI: 10.15488/14329.
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  15. Lobovikov V.O.
    The Logical Square and Hexagon of Opposition as Graphic Models of an Unknown Formal-Axiological Interpretation of Leibniz’ Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles // "Le present est plein de l’avenir, et chargé du passé": Vorträge des XI. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, 31. Juli – 4. August 2023, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland. Band 2 / Wenchao Li, Charlotte Wahl, Sven Erdner, Bianca Carina Schwarze und Yue Dan (Hrsg.).– Hannover: Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft e.V., 2023.– P. 364-377. DOI: 10.15488/14329.
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  16. Lobovikov V.O.
    Approximating to Universal Logic by Combining Different Kinds of Modalities in One Formal Axiomatic Theory Ф. // International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Schedule and Abstracts of 17th CLMPST (Buenos Aires, July 24–29, 2023).– 2023.– P. 369-370.
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  17. Kondrashev P.N.
    Reflections on Lenin’s Dialectics // Monthly Review.– 2023.– Vol. 74. No. 8.– P. 33-48. DOI:10.14452/MR-074-08-2023-01_3.
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  18. Abramova S.B. Antonova N.L. Campa R. Popova N.G.
    Digital Fears Experienced by Young People in the Age of Technoscience // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2023.– Vol. 6. No. 1.– P. 56-78. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.1.163.
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  19. Stepanova E.A.
    Personal Transformation as a Life-Long Trajectory // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2023.– Vol. 7. No. 2.– P. 5-9. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2023.7.2.228.
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  20. Stepanova E.A.
    The Order of Concepts and/or the Order of Things as Triggers for Social Transformations // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2023.– Vol. 7. No. 1.– P. 5-10. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2023.7.1.215.
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  21. Stepanova E.A.
    What Drives Us to Do the Things We Do? // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2023.– Vol. 7. No. 3.– P. 5-9. DOI: doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.3.237.
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  22. Melnikov K.V.
    Informal networks of regional elites in Russia: a cross-temporal perspective // Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization.– 2023.– Vol. 31. No. 1.– P. 29-56.
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  23. Beavitt T.A.
    Vasiliev’s ‘Consciousness and Things’: A Project for a Phenomenological Ontology // Orbis Idearum.– 2023.– Vol. 11. Iss. 2.– P. 51-67.
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  24. Kostogryizov P.I. Pisnitchenko O. Xavier F. C. C.
    Direito comunitário // Passagens: Revista Internacional De História Política E Cultura Jurídica.– 2023.– Vol. 15. No. 1.– P. 151-174. DOI: 10.15175/1984-2503-202315108.
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  25. Beavitt T.A.
    Rhyme and Rappability: Synthetic Isochrony in Russian and English on the Example of Lermontov // Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki / Music Scholarship.– 2023.– No. 3.– DOI: 10.56620/2782-3598.2022.3.087-108.
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  26. Lobovikov V.O.
    Analytic philosophy of natural language of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology (Four mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of “law” and four ones of “power”) // Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.– 2023.– No. 71 (1).– P. 59-67. DOI: 10.17223/1998863X/71/.
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  27. Lobovikov V.O.
    A new metatheoretic square and hexagon uniting empirical theories with a-priori ones, and uniting theories based on the classical logic with ones based on a nonclassical logic // Handbook of the 7th World Congress on the Square of Opposition “Square 2022” (September 9-13, 2022). Lorenz Demey, Dany Jaspers & Hans Smessaert (eds.).– Leuven, 2022.– P. 53-54.
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  28. Kazancev M.F.
    The civilizational value of a contract // SHS Web of Conferences: 14th session of Euro-Asian Law Congress “The value of law” 2021.– 2022.– Vol. 134. No. 00057.– 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202213400057.
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  29. Kazancev M.F.
    Understanding the phenomenon of a real contract: stereotypes, new approaches, and scientific value // SHS Web of Conferences: 14th session of Euro-Asian Law Congress “The value of law” 2021.– 2022.– Vol. 134. No. 00057.– 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202213400058.
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  30. Rudenko V.V.
    Human Rights Dimensions During Coronavirus Pandemic in Russia // System ochrony praw człowieka w europie w czasie wyzwań pandemicznych.– Poznań: Adam Marszałek, 2022.– P. 381-392.

  31. Lobovikov V.O.
    Axiomatizing philosophical epistemology, a formal theory “sigma + 2c” and philosophical foundations of mathematics // Аналитическая философия: траектории истории и векторы развития: сборник научных трудов Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию научного руководителя Института философии и права СО РАН В. В. Целищева, Новосибирск, 25–26 февраля 2022 г. / под ред. А. В. Хлебалина.– Новосибирск: Офсет-ТМ, 2022.– P. 43-52. DOI: 10.47850/S.2022.1.7.
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  32. Moshkin S.V.
    Why did Khrushchev transfer Crimea to Ukraine? // Baltic Rim Economies.– 2022.– No. 2.– P. 54-55.
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  33. Rusakova O.F. Gribovod E.G. Moiseenko Ya.Yu.
    V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.) (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press. // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 696-699. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.197.
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  34. Stepanova E.A.
    Beliefs, Opinions, and Expectations as a Resource of Re-Shaping Societies // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 4.– P. 727-732. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.4.199.
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  35. Stepanova E.A.
    Ivan Strenski (2022). Muslims, Islams and Occidental Anxieties: Conversations about Islamophobia. Ethics International Press Ltd. // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 692-695. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.196.
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  36. Stepanova E.A.
    The Mole of History Burrows His Way ever Forward and Upward // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 1.– P. 5-9. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.1.160.
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  37. Stepanova E.A.
    Values Under the Influence of Various Contexts: Cross-Cultural Reflections // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 483-487. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.185.
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  38. Melnikov K.V.
    Formal power in informal networks. Distribution of power resources in personalized bureaucracies: the case of Russia’s subnational elites // Democratization.– 2022.– Vol. 30. Issue 8.– P. 1503-1526. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2246127.
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  39. Davyidov D.A.
    Postcapitalism: From Consumer Individualism to Expressive Individualism? // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences.– 2022.– Vol. 92.– P. S467–S474. DOI: 10.1134/S1019331622120036.
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  40. Lobovikov V.O.
    Formally Deriving the Third Newton’s Law from a Pair of Nontrivial Assumptions in a Formal Axiomatic Theory “Sigma-V”. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.– 2022.– No. 10.– P. 1561-1586. DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2022.105109.
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