1. Rusakova O.F. Rusakov V.M. Moiseenko Ya.Yu.
    On the way to the Kingdom of Reason: Irrational Rationality of the Early Soviet Period // Global Journal of Cultural Studies.– 2024.– Vol. 3.– P. 57-64. DOI: 10.6000/2817-2310.2024.03.07.
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  2. Golovashina O.V.
    Trial of Memory: Legal Regulation as a Tool of Memory Politics in Contemporary Russia // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2024.– V. 8. No. 2.– P. 399-417. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2024.8.2.280.
    WoS  Scopus  РИНЦ 
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  3. Belousov A.B.
    The Amalgamated Mass of Hate: Harold Lasswell's Concept of Propaganda // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 149-166.
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  4. Golovashina O.V.
    Pedagogical Ideals and School Practices: Émile Durkheim’s Insights for Citizen Education in Contemporary Russia // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 167-181.
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  5. Kazancev M.F.
    Sergei S. Alekseev: From Civil Law to Legal Theory and the Revival of Civil Law Scholarship // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 18-30.
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  6. Lobovikov V.O.
    The Natural State – A Filter on the Bivalent Boolean Algebra of Natural Law (On the Unsatisfactory State of Affairs in the “Theory” of Natural Law over the Last Few Centuries on This Planet) // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 135-148.
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  7. Martyanov V.S.
    Unmasking the King: The Falsification of the Western Mainstream // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 31-45.
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  8. Roy O.M.
    Territorial Identity of Russian Society: from Local Fragmentation to Civil Harmony // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 182-195.
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  9. Rudenko V.N.
    Sergei S. Alekseev: from Philosophy of Law to the Human Constitution // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 9-17.
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  10. Beavitt T.A.
    The Righteous Blood of the Bards: Translations and Performances of M.Y. Lermontov and Thomas ‘the Rhymer’ Learmonth // Quest for Connections in Language, Culture, Literature / E. Chaika & Y. Maslov (Eds.).– Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.– P. 89-105.

  11. Lobovikov V.O.
    Hilbert’s Conception of “Existence-in-Mathematics” and Modelling it by a Formal Axiomatic Theory Ф+Ǝ Treating Existence not as the Quanifier but as a Modality // Respublica Literaria.– 2024.– Vol. 5. no. 1.– P. 16-50. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2024.5.1.16-50.
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  12. Martyanov V.S.
    Federalism is full of good intentions // Social Sciences.– 2024.– Vol. 55. No. 3.– P. 54-70. DOI: 10.21557/ssc.99327911.
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  13. Shustrova E.V. Koptyaeva N.N.
    Exploring criminal metaphor in mass media discourse: semantics, semiotics and polycode competence // Synergy of languages & cultures 2023: interdisciplinary studies. Collection of articles.– Saint-Petersburg: St Petersburg university, 2024.– P. 262-277. DOI: 10.21638/2782-1943.2023.23.
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