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  1. Stepanova E.A.
    What Drives Us to Do the Things We Do? // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2023.– Vol. 7. No. 3.– P. 5-9. DOI: doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.3.237.
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  2. Melnikov K.V.
    Informal networks of regional elites in Russia: a cross-temporal perspective // Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization.– 2023.– Vol. 31. No. 1.– P. 29-56.
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  3. Beavitt T.A.
    Vasiliev’s ‘Consciousness and Things’: A Project for a Phenomenological Ontology // Orbis Idearum.– 2023.– Vol. 11. Iss. 2.– P. 51-67.
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  4. Kostogryizov P.I. Pisnitchenko O. Xavier F. C. C.
    Direito comunitário // Passagens: Revista Internacional De História Política E Cultura Jurídica.– 2023.– Vol. 15. No. 1.– P. 151-174. DOI: 10.15175/1984-2503-202315108.
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  5. Beavitt T.A.
    Rhyme and Rappability: Synthetic Isochrony in Russian and English on the Example of Lermontov // Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki / Music Scholarship.– 2023.– No. 3.– DOI: 10.56620/2782-3598.2022.3.087-108.
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  6. Lobovikov V.O.
    Analytic philosophy of natural language of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology (Four mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of “law” and four ones of “power”) // Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.– 2023.– No. 71 (1).– P. 59-67. DOI: 10.17223/1998863X/71/.
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  7. Lobovikov V.O.
    A new metatheoretic square and hexagon uniting empirical theories with a-priori ones, and uniting theories based on the classical logic with ones based on a nonclassical logic // Handbook of the 7th World Congress on the Square of Opposition “Square 2022” (September 9-13, 2022). Lorenz Demey, Dany Jaspers & Hans Smessaert (eds.).– Leuven, 2022.– P. 53-54.
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  8. Kazancev M.F.
    The civilizational value of a contract // SHS Web of Conferences: 14th session of Euro-Asian Law Congress “The value of law” 2021.– 2022.– Vol. 134. No. 00057.– 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202213400057.
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  9. Kazancev M.F.
    Understanding the phenomenon of a real contract: stereotypes, new approaches, and scientific value // SHS Web of Conferences: 14th session of Euro-Asian Law Congress “The value of law” 2021.– 2022.– Vol. 134. No. 00057.– 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202213400058.
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  10. Rudenko V.V.
    Human Rights Dimensions During Coronavirus Pandemic in Russia // System ochrony praw człowieka w europie w czasie wyzwań pandemicznych.– Poznań: Adam Marszałek, 2022.– P. 381-392.

  11. Lobovikov V.O.
    Axiomatizing philosophical epistemology, a formal theory “sigma + 2c” and philosophical foundations of mathematics // Аналитическая философия: траектории истории и векторы развития: сборник научных трудов Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию научного руководителя Института философии и права СО РАН В. В. Целищева, Новосибирск, 25–26 февраля 2022 г. / под ред. А. В. Хлебалина.– Новосибирск: Офсет-ТМ, 2022.– P. 43-52. DOI: 10.47850/S.2022.1.7.
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  12. Moshkin S.V.
    Why did Khrushchev transfer Crimea to Ukraine? // Baltic Rim Economies.– 2022.– No. 2.– P. 54-55.
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  13. Rusakova O.F. Gribovod E.G. Moiseenko Ya.Yu.
    V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.) (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press. // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 696-699. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.197.
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  14. Stepanova E.A.
    Beliefs, Opinions, and Expectations as a Resource of Re-Shaping Societies // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 4.– P. 727-732. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.4.199.
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  15. Stepanova E.A.
    Ivan Strenski (2022). Muslims, Islams and Occidental Anxieties: Conversations about Islamophobia. Ethics International Press Ltd. // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 692-695. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.196.
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  16. Stepanova E.A.
    The Mole of History Burrows His Way ever Forward and Upward // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 1.– P. 5-9. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.1.160.
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  17. Stepanova E.A.
    Values Under the Influence of Various Contexts: Cross-Cultural Reflections // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 483-487. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.185.
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  18. Melnikov K.V.
    Formal power in informal networks. Distribution of power resources in personalized bureaucracies: the case of Russia’s subnational elites // Democratization.– 2022.– Vol. 30. Issue 8.– P. 1503-1526. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2246127.
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  19. Davyidov D.A.
    Postcapitalism: From Consumer Individualism to Expressive Individualism? // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences.– 2022.– Vol. 92.– P. S467–S474. DOI: 10.1134/S1019331622120036.
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  20. Lobovikov V.O.
    Formally Deriving the Third Newton’s Law from a Pair of Nontrivial Assumptions in a Formal Axiomatic Theory “Sigma-V”. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.– 2022.– No. 10.– P. 1561-1586. DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2022.105109.
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  21. Lobovikov V.O.
    Formally Inferring Galileo Galilei Principle of Relativity of Motion in an Axiomatic System “Sigma+V” from a Triple of Nontrivial Assumptions // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.– 2022.– No. 10.– P. 2459-2498. DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2022.108167.
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  22. Kovba D.M. Moiseenko Ya.Yu.
    Genetic Research: Ethical and Legal Aspects // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences.– 2022.– Vol. 15. No. 8.– P. 1204-1214. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0921.
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  23. Stepanova E.A.
    The Place of the Church in Society: Provider of the Moral Code? // Orthodoxy in Two Manifestations? The Conflict in Ukraine as Expression of a Fault Line in World Orthodoxy.– Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 2022.– P. 353-379. DOI: 10.3726/b20057.
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  24. Stepanova E.A.
    “Everything good against everything bad”: traditional values in the search for new Russian national idea // Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik.– 2022.– Vol. 7.– P. 97-118. DOI: 10.1007/s41682-022-00123-2.
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  25. Moshkin S.V.
    The Past Bursts into the Present: Review of Ivan I. Kurilla (2022). Bitva za proshloe. Kak politika meniaet istoriiu [Battle for the Past: How Politics Changes History]. Alpina Publisher // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 2.– P. 455-461. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.2.184.
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  26. Davyidov D.A.
    The value foundations of post-capitalism: from the "mode of having" to the individualism of self-actualizing personalities? // Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya.– 2021.– No. 12.– P. 232-241. DOI: 10.31857/S013216250017623-8.
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  27. Blagodatsky G.A. Gorokhov M.M. Ponomarev A.M. Saburova L.A.
    Internet Communities’ Integration Index Hierarchical Model // The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences.– 2020.– P. 466-479. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.03.53.
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  28. Lobovikov V.O.
    Doğal Hukuka Cebir: – Doğal Hukuk Tarzinda Hukuksal Muhakemenin Matematiksel Simulasyonu – Bilgisayar Takviyeli Yasa Hazirlama ve Hukuk Eğitimine Dair Bir Başlangiç // HFSA. HUKUK FELSEFESÍVE SOSYOLOJÍSÍ ARKÍVÍ. 18.– КÍТАР, 2008.– P. 69-77.

  29. Lobovikov V.O.
    Aristotelian and juridical modalities: a new theory of their unity (A two-valued algebra of formal natural-law philosophy of modalities as moral-legal evaluation-functions determined by two variables – a complement to G.H. Wright’s deontic logic interpretation of G.W. Leibniz’s idea about the unity of the two kinds of modalities // Brazilian Legal Theory Review – RFDCL (Revista da Faculdade de Direito de Conselheiro Lafaiete, ISSN 1679-8139).– Nova fase – Conselheiro Lafaiete, 2007.– V.3.– P. 181-187.

  30. Lobovikov V.O.
    Mathematical Jurisprudence and Mathematical Ethics (A mathematical simulation of the evaluative and the normative attitudes to the rigoristic sub-systems of the Positive Law and of the Natural-Law-and-Morals). –.– Ekaterinburg: The Urals State University Press; The Urals State Law Academy Press; The Liberal Arts University Press, 1999.– 124 p.

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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences