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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Publications / Publications / V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.) (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press.
V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.) (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press.
UDC This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under Grant No. 21-011-43023 “The official discourse of Russian politics of memory concerning the Soviet past: interpretation strategies, actors and commemorative practices"
Rusakova O.F.Gribovod E.G. Moiseenko Ya.Yu. V. V. Lapin, A. I. Miller (Eds.) (2021). Simvolicheskie aspekty politiki pamiati v sovremennoi Rossii i vostochnoi Evrope [Symbolic aspects of the politics of memory in modern Russia and Eastern Europe]. EUSP Press. // Changing Societies & Personalities.– 2022.– Vol. 6. No. 3.– P. 696-699. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.197.