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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Publications / Publications 1997 and earlier / Internet Communities’ Integration Index Hierarchical Model
Internet Communities’ Integration Index Hierarchical Model
Blagodatsky G.A. Gorokhov M.M. Ponomarev A.M. Saburova L.A. Internet Communities’ Integration Index Hierarchical Model // The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences.– 2020.– P. 466-479. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.03.53.
The problem's complexity lies in the multilevel Internet sociality that is describing as virtual sociality. Virtual society is the world of Internet communities including the Internet economy, which is autonomously developing according to its internal laws. Along with what can be defined as the actual social segment of functioning, there are different levels of virtual sociality. The level of the real segment is rooted in real sociality, but transfers part of its interactions on the Internet and is characterized by transitions from the Internet to online and vice versa. This is the focus of this research. The research identified the following levels of analysis, which affect the level of integration process, is presented: the level of forces influence, the level of system's actors, the level of actor's indicators. the minimum set of Internet community's mobilization integration objective and reliable degree parameters include (in order of importance): internal communications number, mobilization potential, group goals and values and sociocultural aspects. “The community itself” includes cohesion level, internal communications volume, mobilization potential, volume dynamics, the group core qualitative composition, level of trust, modularity, external relations volume, community size, group age.
*The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-011-00761\19, ISTU grant № BGA/20-28-09 of ISTU named after Kalashnikov.