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 Research Subdivisions / Department of Law / Analytic philosophy of natural language of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology (Four mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of “law” and four ones of “power”)  Print Version   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
Department of Law
Department of Philosophy
Udmurt branch of the Institute

Analytic philosophy of natural language of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology (Four mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of “law” and four ones of “power”)

UDC 17+21+34.01+81+51-7+512

Lobovikov V.O.
Analytic philosophy of natural language of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology (Four mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of “law” and four ones of “power”) // Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.– 2023.– No. 71 (1).– P. 59-67. DOI: 10.17223/1998863X/71/.
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The analysis of the natural language of the philosophy of natural law, natural morality and natural theology results in the realization of the existence of a quartet of mathematically different formal-axiological meanings of the word “law” and their definition in the two-valued algebra of formal axiology. The positive constitutional law of the separation of legislative and executive powers is substantiated by calculating the corresponding functions in this algebra.

Результатом анализа естественного языка философии естественного права, естественной морали и естественной теологии является осознание существования квартета математически различных формально-аксиологических значений слова «закон» и определение их в двузначной алгебре формальной аксиологии. Позитивный конституционный закон разделения законодательной и исполнительной властей обосновывается путем вычисления соответствующих функций в этой алгебре.

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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences