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Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council

Rusakova Olga Fredovna

Rusakova Olga Fredovna

Subdivision: Department of Philosophy

Post: Head of the Philosophy department

Academic degree: Dr. Sc. in political sciences

Code of specialty: 23.00.01

Academic status: professor

Phone: +7 (343) 374-32-27

Workplace (room): 906

E-mail: rusakova_mail_at_mail.ru


Information about membership in the editorial boards: The scientific journal “Discourse-P”, “Antinomies”, “Society and Power”, “Modern discourse analysis”.

Additional positions:
• Professor, department of Political Sciences, Ural Federal University.
• Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council (Ural Federal University; 23.01.05 - historical and political sciences).
• An official reviewer of the Russian Science Foundation.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6920-2549

Recent publications:

1. Rusakova O.F., Gribovod E.G. (2020). Mediatization Of Anti-Corruption Policy: A Theoretical Analysis. Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism. Vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 123–135. DOI 10.17150/2308-6203.2020.9(1).123-135
2. Rusakov, V.M., Rusakova, O.F. (2020). Infrastructure of the new national memory politics in the post-soviet space. To the statement of a problem. Scientific Journal “Discourse-P”, 2(39), P. 27–47. doi: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10202
3. Rusakova O.F., Gribovod E.G. (2019). Information and communication components of "soft power". International processes. T.17. No. 1 (56). P.62-72.
4. Rusakova O.F. (2018). Political media discourse: the experience of structural analysis. Interaction of languages and cultures: materials of the International Scientific Conference, May 28-30, ed. O.A. Turbina. - Chelyabinsk: SUSU Publishing Center, 2018.Vol. 1.283 p. S. 237-240.
5. Rusakova O.F., Rusakov V.M. (2017). "Soft power" of discourse of political media images: analysis of strategic effects. News of the Ural Federal University. Series 3. Social sciences. Vol. 12. No. 1 (161). P. 53-67. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29025478
6. Rusakova O.F., Rusakov V.M. (2017). City as a space of historical memory. Scientific journal "Discourse-P ". No. 1 (26). P. 22-35. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30009017
7. Rusakova O.F., Rusakov V.M. (2016). The paradigm of mobility in modern political media discourse. Questions of political science. 2016. No. 4 (2016). P. 79-87. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27633383

Under the supervision of O.F. Rusakova 8 candidate dissertations were defended

Scientific interests:

political discourse, discourse analysis, political philosophy, mediatization of politics, soft power, political media image, agonal discourse, critical discourse analysis, discourse of memory politics, PR - discourse

Scientific societies and academies:

Russian Association of Political sciences
Russian philosophical society

Awards - premium, scientific ranks:

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation for the achieved labor successes, significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, achievements in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the rule of law and law and order, active legislative and public activities, long-term conscientious work. Order No. 110-rp dated April 11, 2014
II degree diploma of the Russian Association of Political Science for the book Soft power: theory, resources, discourse. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House "Discukrs-Pi", 2015. in the nomination "Scientific works: individual monographs, collective monographs". Competition 2015.

Number of the scientific articles: 243

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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences