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Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council

Kovba Daria Mikhailovna

Kovba Daria Mikhailovna

Subdivision: Department of Philosophy

Post: Researcher

Academic degree: PhD in political sciences

Code of specialty: 23.00.02

Phone: +7 (343) 374-32-27

Workplace (room): 906

E-mail: daria_kovba_at_mail.ru


Information about membership in the editorial boards: The scientific journal "Discourse-P"

Scientific specialty: 23.00.02.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2048-0967
Recent publications:
1. Kovba D.M. (2020). Agenda and the Information Society: Sociological Essays. Sociology of Science & Technology. Vol.11. No. 3. P. 213-217. DOI: 10.24411/2079-0910-2020-13014
2. Kovba, D.M., Gribovod, E.G. (2020). Osobennosti formirovaniya i realizacii politiki pamyati o Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne na postsovetskom prostranstve [Features of the formation and implementation of the memory politics of the Great Patriotic War in the post-Soviet space]. Scientific Journal “Discourse-P”, 2(39). P. 59–77. doi: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10204
3. Kovba D.М., Moiseenko Y.Y. (2020). The digital society in the 21st century: security issue. XXIII International Conference "Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research" named after professor L.N. Kogan, Yekaterinburg. P. 353-358.
4. Kovba D.M. (2020). Eugenics as a direction of scientific thought and practice of human selection in the late 19th — early 21st centuries. Socium i vlast’. № 4 (84). P. 7-19. DOI: 10.22394/1996-0522-2020-4-07-19
5. Kovba D.M., Gribovod, E.G. (2019). International academic mobility through the prism of soft power theory. The Education and science journal. 21(10). P. 9-31. https://doi.org/10.17853/1994-5639-2019-10-9-31
6. Kovba D.M., Rusakova O.F. (2019). Corruption in East Asian Countries in International Ranking of Soft Power. Current Issues of Scientific Support for the State Anti-corruption Policy in the Russian Federation. P. 636-659. DOI: 10.17506/ARTICLES.ANTICORRUPTION.2018.636659
7. Rusakova O., Kovba D., Gribovod E., Koptyaeva N. (2019). Academic mobility as a means of soft power. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Efficiency and Responsibility in Education 2019 (ERIE 2019). Edited by Jiří Fejfar, Martina Fejfarová, Martin Flégl, Jakub Husák, Igor Krejčí. Pp. 234-242. ISBN 978-80-213-2878-5, ISSN 2336-744X

Scientific interests:

international relations, soft power, power, diplomacy, humanitarian diplomacy, mobility, political values, civil society, politics of memory, humanism

Scientific societies and academies:

Russian philosophical society

Number of the scientific articles: 41

Дизайн и программирование
N-Studio беременность, мода, красота, здоровье, диеты, женский журнал, здоровье детей, здоровье ребенка, красота и здоровье, жизнь и здоровье, секреты красоты, воспитание ребенка православные знакомства, православный сайт творчeства, православные рассказы и стихи рождение ребенка,пол ребенка,воспитание ребенка,ребенок дошкольного возраста, дети дошкольного возраста,грудной ребенок,обучение ребенка,родить ребенка,загадки для детей,здоровье ребенка,зачатие ребенка,второй ребенок,определение пола ребенка,будущий ребенок
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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences