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Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council

Lobovikov Vladimir Olegovich

Lobovikov Vladimir Olegovich

Subdivision: Department of Law

Post: Principal researcher

Academic degree: Dr. Sc. in philosophical sciences

Code of specialty: 09.00.01

Academic status: professor

Workplace (room): 912

E-mail: vlobovikov_at_mail.ru


Current positions:
1. (Main position: full-timer) Principal researcher of the research Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Division of Russian Academy of Sciences in Yekaterinburg;
2. (Additional position: quarter-timer one): Full professor of the department of ontology and theory of cognition of the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg.
Education: (1968-1973) Student of the department of philosophy of the Ural State University.
Scientific Degrees: PhD (Kandidatskaya degree) in philosophy from the Ural State University in 1977; Doctorskaya degree in philosophy from the Ural State University in 1990. The theme of the last dissertation: “Formalizing Human Activity (Evaluations and Norms)”.
Principal Teaching Positions and Professor Degrees: Assistant Professor of Symbolic Logic and Philosophy, the Ural State University (1973-1978); Associate Professor (Docent) of Symbolic Logic and Philosophy, the Ural State University (1978-1991); Full Professor of Mathematical Representing Philosophy: discrete mathematical models of philosophy systems, the Ural State University (Since 1991 to the present time).
Additional Teaching Positions (in the past): Full Professor of the Theory of State and Law, Ural State-and-Law Academy (Yekaterinburg) during one year in the past; Full Professor of Mathematical-Logic-of-Law and Head of the department of Legal Information Technologies, Ural State-and-Law Academy (Yekaterinburg) during three years in the past; Full Professor of Discrete Mathematical Models in Social-Political Sciences at the department of Informatics and Mathematics of the Academy of State Service (Yekaterinburg) during five years in the past; Full Professor of Mathematical Jurisprudence and Logic of Human Rights at the department of law of the Humanities University (a private one in Yekaterinburg) during sixteen years in the past; Full Professor of the department of Theology of the Social Institute affiliated with the Ural State Technological-Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg during four years in the past.
Study and scientific work abroad: In 1985 (during 10 months) I was a visiting scholar in Finland (Helsinki University, department of philosophy) under the scientific guidance of G.H. von Wright. The theme of my investigations there: “Modal logic of evaluations, norms and preferences from the viewpoint of content morals and law”. In 1995-1996 (during 12 months) according to the Junior Faculty Development Program I participated in the non-graduate study, teaching and scientific work in the USA (The Law School of the University of Texas at Austin). The theme of my study, teaching and investigations there: “Law and Logic”.
Lecture courses which I have had been delivering (for students) in the past: (1) Traditional formal logic; (2) Modern symbolic logic; (3) Philosophy and non-classical logic calculi; (4) Theory of state and law; (5) Philosophy of law; (6) Mathematical jurisprudence: discrete mathematical modeling the natural law as a consistent system of absolutely universal eternal laws; (7) Two-valued algebra of formal ethics; (8) Two-valued algebra of metaphysics as formal axiology (exemplified by the material of history of philosophy); (9) Mathematical modeling in social-political sciences; (10) Mathematical modeling in the humanities; (11) “Formal Ethics and Axiology in Religion”; (12) “Science and Religion”.

Scientific interests:

inventing and investigating discrete mathematical models in sphere of the humanities: philosophy of politics; political economy; formal ethics, formal aesthetics, philosophy of law (the natural law system), philosophy of religion and theology, metaphysics as formal axiology, etc. I have invented two-valued algebra of formal ethics of moral rigor (synonym – algebra of the natural law), algebra of formal aesthetics, and algebra of metaphysics as formal axiology. I develop various applications of this machinery to relevant theoretical problems and practical issues

Scientific societies and academies:

Russian philosophical society

Number of the scientific articles: 508

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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences