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Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / About Institute / Publications / The Natural State – A Filter on the Bivalent Boolean Algebra of Natural Law (On the Unsatisfactory State of Affairs in the “Theory” of Natural Law over the Last Few Centuries on This Planet)
The Natural State – A Filter on the Bivalent Boolean Algebra of Natural Law (On the Unsatisfactory State of Affairs in the “Theory” of Natural Law over the Last Few Centuries on This Planet)
UDC 340.122:17:51-7:512:340.121:21
Lobovikov V.O. The Natural State – A Filter on the Bivalent Boolean Algebra of Natural Law (On the Unsatisfactory State of Affairs in the “Theory” of Natural Law over the Last Few Centuries on This Planet) // Philosophical Reflection on Historiographical and Prospective Tasks of Contemporary Public Law: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Outcomes of the First International Scientific Conference to Mark the Centenary of Sergei S. Alexeev (Ekaterinburg, 14 November 2024) / Editor-in-Chief V.N. Rudenko; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences.– Ekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024.– P. 135-148.
The study focuses on natural law as a system of formally defined laws, specifically examining the algebraic aspect of this system. Its goal is to complement the well-known “theory” of natural law with the lesser-known theory of the natural state. In the precise definition of the natural state, animals of the species “Homo sapiens” are not mentioned at all (they are only a specific case), and the natural state appears as an abstract, idealized concept within natural law theory, which is necessarily subjected to mathematization. Methodologically, the study relies on mathematical modeling. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that it adds a precisely defined concept of the natural state to the bivalent algebraic system (of formally defined laws) of formal axiology within natural law. The natural state serves as a filter applied to the bivalent Boolean algebra of natural law. In this context, the terms “algebraic system”, “algebra”, and “filter” (specifically, ultrafilter) are used in their formal, mathematical (algebraic) sense, rather than in a metaphorical or vague manner.